Index of Persons

Joan BENJAMIN -- to -- Thomas BENJAMIN
Thomas BENJAMIN (JH) -- to -- Elenora Theresa BERCKENHOFF
Frederick BERCKENHOFF -- to -- Jerry Lee BERGER (Jr.)
Jonathan Emil BERGER -- to -- John BERKELEY
Mary BERNARD -- to -- Darlene Faye BETHKE
Roman BETHKE -- to -- Catherine BETHUNE
Catherine BETHUNE -- to -- Elizabeth BETHUNE
Elizabeth BETHUNE -- to -- James BETHUNE
Janet BETHUNE -- to -- Margaret BETHUNE
Margaret BETHUNE -- to -- Elizabeth BETHUNE OR BETON
John BETHUNE, (2nd of Creich) -- to -- thurstan BIGOD
Cody Allen BILLECK -- to -- Thomas BINNING
Thomas BINNING -- to -- Glenn Marshall BLACAR
Morgan Wade BLACAR -- to -- Margaret BLACKADDER
Patrick BLACKADDER -- to -- Alexander BLAIR (5th of Balthayoch)
Alexander BLAIR (7th of Balthayock) -- to -- Elizabeth BLAIR
Elizabeth BLAIR -- to -- Jean BLAIR
Jean BLAIR -- to -- Margaret BLAIR
Margaret BLAIR -- to -- Cristane BLAIRE
John Kennedy of BLAIRQUHAN -- to -- Karl BLASCHKE (JR)
Maria BLASCHKE -- to -- Stephen BOELARE ( DE BOULERS)
Charlene Lee BOENIG -- to -- George Buchanan BOHANNON
John Buchanan BOHANNON -- to -- Walter BONAR (3rd of Keltie)
Walter BONAR -- to -- Arilla Mary Jane BORISKI
Arilla Mary Jane BORISKI -- to -- Leofric, III, BORN 968 (Earl of Mercia)
Godehut BORRELL -- to -- James BORTHWICK
John BORTHWICK (of Balhouffie) -- to -- BOSWALL
John BOSWALL -- to -- John BOSWELL

UP (# - Charles KENNEDY )
NEXT (John BOSWELL - Elizabeth BRUCE )



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